Who attended the 44th Larval Fish Conference?
Updated 06/29/2021 23:22 EDT
Successful registrants at the LFC44. Contact lfc44@uconn.edu if your information appears incorrect.
Name (Last, First) | Email Address | Institution | Datetime (EDT) | ID | Contribution (Talk or poster) |
*** please finish registration *** | 19103889@usc.edu.ph | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | LA11P | ||
AA, AA | ingenieria_acustica@hotmail.com | ||||
Akimova, Anna | anna.akimova@thuenen.de | Thuenen-Institute of Sea Fisheries | 6/24/21 12:30 | RP04 | Physiological modelling helps pinpoint processes contributing to the recent recruitment failure of North Sea herring |
Alter, Katharina | katharina.alter@gmail.com | Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research | 6/26/21 12:30 | CC07 | Ocean acidification but not elevated spring warming threatens a European seas predator |
Anderson, Paul | paul@insightbyanderson.com | Coral Reef Aquarium Fisheries Campaign | 6/25/21 13:45 | AQ01 | A framework for the selection of marine aquarium fishes to target for aquaculture |
Anstey, Jennifer | janstey@lbaop.org | Aquarium of the Pacific | |||
Anthony, Shelley | shelley.anthony@ncaquariums.com | NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher | |||
Aquino, Goldyn Anne | goldynanne.g.aquino@isu.edu.ph | Isabela State University | 6/25/21 19:45 | FF13 | Movement of glass eel Anguilla marmorata (Anguilliformes: Anguillidae) exposed to different salinity levels |
Asch, Rebecca | aschr16@ecu.edu | East Carolina University | |||
Audet, Céline | celine_audet@uqar.ca | Université du Québec à Rimouski | |||
Axler, Kelia | kelia.axler@noaa.gov | NOAA/AFSC | |||
Bailey, Barbara | Bbailey@neaq.org | New England Aquarium | |||
Bailey, Hunter | hunter.bailey@utexas.edu | The University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute | |||
Baptista, Vânia | vcbaptista@ualg.pt | Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) - University of Algarve | 6/24/21 12:45 | RP14 | Personality in a temperate pelagic fish larva may affect recruitment in nursery habitats |
Barraca, Catarina | cbarraca@oceanario.pt | ||||
Batchelder, Liam | ljbatchelder0@tamu.edu | Texas A&M University at Galveston | |||
Baumann, Hannes | hannes.baumann@uconn.edu | University of Connecticut | |||
Baumann, Zofia | zofia.baumann@uconn.edu | UConn | |||
Becker, Emily | emily_becker@uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | |||
Bernardo, Cristina | c.bernardo@unesp.br | Universidade Estadual Paulista | |||
Bischof, Markus | markus.surf@gmail.com | ||||
Blandon, Ivonne | Ivonne.Blandon@TPWD.Texas.gov | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department CCA Marine Development Center | |||
Bonecker, Ana | ana@biologia.ufrj.br | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | |||
Börner, Gregor | gregor.boerner@uni-hamburg.de | University of Hamburg | 6/25/21 12:30 | LA04/LA15P | The impact of the zooplankton size structure on foraging and growth of early herring larvae in the North Sea |
Bouchard, Caroline | cabo@natur.gl | Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | 6/25/21 19:15 | CC03 | Sailboats and fish larvae : a combo with the wind in their sails |
Bourehail, Nadjette | nadjetteb@yahoo.fr | BADJI MOKHTAR University ANNABA | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | LA14P | Daily growth patterns of three species of young-of-the-year of the Easteren coasts of Algeria fishes |
Bourgouin, Etienne | e.bourgouin@cineaqua.com | Paris Aquarium | |||
Bradley, Jay | jbradley@aqua.org | National Aquarium | |||
Brandenburg, W. Howard | whburg@gmail.com | River Bend Ecology | |||
Bruno, Daniel Osvaldo | dobruno.ush@gmail.com | Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas (CADIC-CONICET) | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | LA09P | Seasonal variation of autochthonous and allochthonous carbon sources for fish larvae associated with giant kelp forests |
Buchalla, Yole | ybuchalla@iattc.org | Inter-American Tropical Tuna Comission | |||
Burns, Corinne | Corinne.Burns@uqar.ca | Université du Québec à Rimouski | 6/26/21 14:15 | RP13 | Identifying physical oceanographic variables driving larval redfish (Sebastes sp.) growth in the Gulf of St. Lawrence |
Burton, Keoki | kburton@sheddaquarium.org | John G. Shedd Aquarium | |||
Busby, Morgan | morgan.busby@noaa.gov | NOAA/AFSC | |||
Cabaitan, Patrick | pcabaitan@msi.upd.edu.ph | Marine Science Institute | |||
Cabanilla-Legaspi, Ma. Irene | mcabanilla@seafdec.org.ph | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department | |||
Campos, Paula | paula.campos@ufra.edu.br | Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia | |||
Cao, Clare | clare.cao@student.unsw.edu.au | ||||
Cao, Juan | caojuan@ihb.ac.cn | Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences | 6/26/21 19:45 | RP17 | Confirmation of recovery distances of the Three Gorges Dam by larval fish assemblages in the Yangtze River |
Carlson, Paula | Ppshark@aol.com | The Dallas World Aquarium | |||
Carlton, Haley | hcarlton7@gmail.com | Drexel University | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | RP24P | Early life history of Ronquilus jordani in the western Gulf of Alaska (1978-2016) |
Casas, Jose | jose.casas@excite.com | MOWI CANADA WEST | |||
Castanier, Jessie | jessiecastanier@yahoo.com | Texas State Aquarium, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi | 6/25/21 14:00 | AQ02 | Public aquariums as a potential source of marine fish for exhibits and conservation: identification of eggs and larvae |
Castro, Leonardo | lecastro@oceanografia.udec.cl | Universidad de Concepcion. Centro COPAS Sur Austral | |||
Castro, Marcia | mscastro@biologia.ufrj.br | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | LA10P | Biomonitoring of ichthyoplankton at the Doce River mouth and adjacent marine regions after Fundao dam collapse |
Catalan, Ignacio | ignacio@imedea.uib-csic.es | IMEDEA | |||
Ceparano, Anthony | UnderwaterOasis4U@gmail.com | Underwater Oasis | |||
Chambers, Chris | chris.chambers@noaa.gov | NOAA | |||
Charter, Sharon | sherri.charter@noaa.gov | NOAA NMFS | |||
Čikeš Keč, Vanja | cikes@izor.hr | Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | FF20P | DNA barcoding reveal larval fish assemblages in the eastern Adriatic Sea (eastern Mediterranean) |
Clardy, Todd | tclardy@nhm.org | Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County | 6/25/21 11:45 | FF06 | Ontogeny of the feeding apparatus of the White Croaker, Genyonemus lineatus (Sciaenidae) |
Clavijo-Ayala, John Alejandro | elhf.lab@gmail.com | ELHF Virtual Lab / JACA Aqua-Paisagismo | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | FF17P | Early development of chemoreceptors in Symphysodon discus |
Clemmesen, Catriona | cclemmesen@geomar.de | Geomar | |||
Collette, Bruce | collettb@si.edu | Smithsonian Institution | |||
Cominassi, Louise | lmcominassi@alaska.edu | University of Alaska Fairbanks | |||
Conover, David | dconover@uoregon.edu | University of Oregon | |||
Conradt, Jan | jan.conradt@gmx.de | Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science, Hamburg University | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | LA15P | Automated plankton classification – a dynamic optimization procedure |
Conser, Elena | consere@oregonstate.edu | Oregon State University | |||
Cowen, Robert | robert.cowen@oregonstate.edu | Hatfield Marine Science Center - Oregon State University | |||
Cross, Emma | crosse2@southernct.edu | Southern Connecticut State University | |||
Cunningham, Katelyn | katelyncunningham@trentu.ca | Trent University | 6/25/21 14:15 | RP12 | Changes in density and growth of larval lake whitefish after ecosystem changes in Lake Huron |
Dauden Bengoa, Gonzalo | dauden@cicese.edu.mx | CICESE | 6/24/21 14:45 | LA03 | Comparison of ichthyoplankton with contrasting life histories as function of oceanographic variables in the GoM |
de la Gándara, Fernando | fernando.delagandara@ieo.es | Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) | 6/25/21 11:30 | FF05 | Using ultrasound for the monitoring and control of larval development of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) in tanks. |
Deary, Alison | alison.deary@noaa.gov | NOAA/AFSC | |||
DeBruyne, Robin | robin.debruyne@utoledo.edu | University of Toledo | 6/25/21 14:00 | RP11 | Distribution and abundance of pelagic larval yellow perch in Lake St. Clair (US/Canada) and adjoining waters |
Dias, Diogo | dmlvmd@gmail.com | FCiências.ID - Associação para Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | LA16P | Assessing the role of African island mangroves (Sao Tome Island) as nursery areas |
Diaz, Marina | marinaveradiaz@gmail.com | IIMyC, CONICET - INIDEP | |||
DiCioccio, Catherine | cdicioccio@aqua.org | National Aquarium | |||
Do Souto, Marina | maru.d.souto@gmail.com | Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | LA08P | Trophic position of Argentine anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) larvae through the analysis of stable isotopes |
Driver, Jessica | jessica.driv3r@gmail.com | Vancouver Island University | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | FF16P | Reproduction and early development of the weakly electric knifefish Apteronotus albifrons (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae) |
Duncombe-Smith, Stephen | stephenbellmainesmith@googlemail.com | APEM Ltd | |||
Dunlop, Erin | erin.dunlop@ontario.ca | Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry | |||
Edwards, Jeanne | jeanne.edwards@ferc.gov | FERC | |||
Erly, Kate | kate_erly@fws.gov | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | |||
Faria, Ana | afaria@ispa.pt | MARE-ISPA | 6/26/21 13:00 | CC09/CC11P | Effects of acute and long-term exposure to warming on the escape response and aerobic scope of white seabream juveniles |
Fennie, Will | hfennie@ucsc.edu | UC Santa Cruz & NOAA SWFSC | |||
Finke, Annegret | Annegret.finke@thuenen.de | Thuenen Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries | |||
Fischbach, Vivian | vivian.fischbach@googlemail.com | Deutsches Meeresmuseum Stralsund | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | FF21P | Development of the postcranial skeleton in the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) |
Folkvord, Arild | arild.folkvord@uib.no | University of Bergen | 6/24/21 12:15 | RP03 | Liver condition of 0 and 1-group cod (Gadus morhua) in the Barents Sea |
Franco, Annie | avfranco@seafdec.org.ph | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department | |||
Freire de Carvalho, Anne | achasefc@gmail.com | OAI/SWFSC | |||
Frommel, Andrea | afrommel@zoology.ubc.ca | University of British Columbia | 6/25/21 18:15 | Keynote 2 | Keynote: Sweat the small stuff: How local conditions can shape the sensitivity to climate change |
Fuiman, Lee | lee.fuiman@utexas.edu | University of Texas, Marine Science Institute | 6/24/21 13:00 | ECC workshop "Emerging technologies" panelist | |
Gajbhiye, Deodatta | deodattagajbhiye@gmail.com | Department of Poultry and Aquaculture, Institute of Animal Sciences ARO-Volcani | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | AQ09P | Larval development and staging of hybrid Sunshine bass (Morone chrysops? x Morone saxatilis?) |
Garate Olaizola, Maddi | maddi.garate@ebc.uu.se | Uppsala University | |||
Garavelli, Lysel | lysel.garavelli@pnnl.gov | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | |||
García Alonso, Virginia Andrea | garciaalonso.v.a@gmail.com | Universidad de Buenos Aires | 6/25/21 14:45 | RP05 | So close yet so far? Assessing distribution and connectivity of Fuegian sprat early life stages in the SWAO |
Gardner, Emily | emily.gardner@noaa.gov | NOAA - SWFSC | |||
Gardner, Spencer | gardn125@purdue.edu | Purdue University | |||
Garrido, Susana | susana.garrido@ipma.pt | Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | RP25P | Nutritional condition of Sardina pilchardus larvae reared in laboratory conditions determined by histology and RNA:DNA ratio |
Geffen, Audrey | audrey.geffen@uib.no | University of Bergen | |||
Geissinger, Emilie | eageissinger@mun.ca | Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador | 6/25/21 13:45 | RP10 | Size, condition, and winter duration: Insights on winter survivorship of juvenile cod |
Geist, Simon | simon.geist@tamucc.edu | Texas A&M University Corpus Christi | |||
Genson, Fermina | fgenson@gmail.com | Visayas State University | |||
Golan, Matan | matan.golan@mail.huji.ac.il | Agricultural Research Organization | |||
Goodman, Andrew | andrew_goodman@fws.gov | US FWS | |||
Grande, Terry | tgrande@luc.edu | Loyola University of Chicago | |||
Hans, Ron | Rhans@mote.org | Mote Marine Laboratory | |||
Hardin, Daniel | dhardin1@islander.tamucc.edu | Texas A&M University Corpus Christi | 6/26/21 18:45 | AQ07 | Metabolic Rate Responses to different Salinity levels in Reared Larval Spotted Seatrout |
Hebert, Issac | issac.hebert@ontario.ca | MNRF | |||
Hegarty, Liam | liam.hegarty@plantandfood.co.nz | Plant and Food Research | |||
Hernandez, Frank | frank.hernandez@usm.edu | University of Southern Mississippi | |||
Hesen, Zhang | zhanghesen2003@outlook.com | Qingdao General Aquaculture Co., Ltd | |||
Hielscher, Cindy | chielscher@islander.tamucc.edu | ||||
Hinchliffe, Charles | c.hinchliffe@unsw.edu.au | University of New South Wales | 6/26/21 20:00 | RP18 | A novel approach for estimating growth and mortality of fish larvae |
Hitchcock, Amanda | tallymark2@hotmail.com | ||||
Hoover, Angie | angie.hoover19@gmail.com | University of Southern Mississippi | |||
Hopf, Jess | jess.hopf@oregonstate.edu | Oregon State University | 6/24/21 19:00 | RP09 | Larval recruitment variability and sampling design interact to influence the detectability of marine reserve effects |
Hou, Zhenxin | zhenxin.hou@utexas.edu | The University of Texas at Austin | 6/25/21 12:00 | FF07 | Incorporation of dietary lipid and fatty acids into Red Drum Sciaenops ocellatus eggs |
Houde, Edward | ehoude@umces.edu | University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science | |||
Huang, Amy | tzu-yu.huang@studium.uni-hamburg.de | University of Hamburg | |||
Huang, Yanfei | hyf1221@163.com | ||||
Huebert, Klaus | khuebert@umces.edu | UMCES Horn Point Lab | |||
Hugi, April | april.hugi@usm.edu | University of Southern Mississippi | 6/26/21 19:15 | RP15 | Trophic ecology of billfish larvae in the Gulf of Mexico: an analysis of diet and prey availability and predator growth |
Human, Megan | megan.human@noaa.gov | NOAA/SWFSC | |||
Jahan, Israt | ijahan2@unl.edu | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | |||
Jaskiel, Jacob | jaskielj@bu.edu | Boston University | |||
Jewell, Joleena | joleena.jewell@ncaquariums.com | North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island | |||
Johnson, Darren | darren.johnson@csulb.edu | California State University, Long Beach | 6/25/21 19:00 | CC01 | How ocean acidification may alter natural selection on larvae: A case study of California Grunion |
Joly, Léa | lea.joly@ifremer.fr | Ifremer | 6/26/21 12:15 | CC06 | Can herring larvae cope with global changes (warming, acidification, food quality)? A multi-stressor experiment |
Jones, Aubree | aubree_jones@uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | 6/24/21 15:15 | FF02 | Larval period duration and the timing of lateral line development in Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) |
Jones, Dr Nicholas | n.j.e.jones@bangor.ac.uk | Bangor University | |||
Jones, Lucas | Lucas.jones@uconn.edu | University of Connecticut | |||
Jørgensen, Kris-Emil | kemj@bios.au.dk | Aarhus University | |||
Justo, Micaela | micaelasofia.dossantosjusto@kaust.edu.sa | King Abdullah University of Science and Technology | |||
Kashef, Neosha | neosha.kashef@noaa.gov | University of California Santa Cruz / NOAA Fisheries SWFSC | |||
Kirchhoff, Nicole | nkirchhoff@gmail.com | Live Advantage Bait LLC | |||
Kirn, Julie | julie.kirn@ncaquariums.com | North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island | |||
Kleinknecht, Claire | ckleinknecht@mta.ca | Mount Allison University | |||
Kolker, Michaela | kolkermi@mail.tau.ac.il | Tel Aviv University | 6/25/21 11:15 | FF04 | Accelerating morphological disparity during ontogeny leads to two convergent morphotypes in the three-spine stickleback |
Ladin, Emily | emily.ladin.661@my.csun.edu | Cal State University Northridge | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | FF19P | Developmental ontogeny of Giant Sea Bass, Stereolepis gigas |
Ladino Velásquez, Anderson | anlave@doctor.upv.es | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | |||
Lagarde, Raphael | raphael.lagarde@univ-perp.fr | UNIVERSITE DE PERPIGNAN VIA DOMITIA | 6/24/21 11:45 | RP01 | Phenology and environmental drivers of glass eels recruitment in a Mediterranean lagoon |
Larson, Wes | wes.larson@noaa.gov | NOAA | 6/24/21 13:00 | ECC workshop "Emerging technologies" panelist | |
Lee, Jon | jon.lee@noaa.gov | NOAA Manchester Research Station | 6/26/21 18:15 | AQ05 | Temperature effects on larval sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) |
Leis, Jeff | Jeffrey.leis@utas.edu.au | University of Tasmania | 6/26/21 19:30 | RP16 | No-take zones of the Great Barrier Reef provide most of the larval supply of Coral Grouper to fished areas |
Leonard, Jill | jileonar@nmu.edu | Northern Michigan University | |||
Leopold, Ghinter | leopold.ghinter@uqar.ca | Université du Québec à Rimouski - Institut des Science de la Mer à Rimouski | 6/25/21 14:30 | RP20 | A first glimpse into the larval ecology of halibut species in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada |
Lestrade, Olivia | olivia.lestrade@usm.edu | The University of Southern Mississippi | 6/25/21 13:15 | FF11 | Microbial Communities of Sargassum and Associated Microplastics Influence Juvenile Gray Triggerfish Gut Microbiome |
Lev, Kylie | klev@calacademy.org | California Academy of Science | |||
Ludsin, Stuart | ludsin.1@osu.edu | The Ohio State University, Dept. of EEOB | |||
Lyons, Cassie | clyons@hawaii.edu | University of Hawaii Manoa | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | AQ08P | What's in the gut? Resolving the diet of marine larval fishes for the interest of aquaculture |
Mai, Monica G. | mcrsilva@fc.ul.pt | Laboratório maritimo da guia, MARE, Faculdade Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa | 6/25/21 13:00 | FF10 | Transgenerational acclimation of seabream (Sparus aurata) to ocean warming |
Makrakis, Maristela Cavicchioli | maristela.makrakis@unioeste.br | Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná | |||
Mandario, Mary Anne | mamandario@seafdec.org.ph | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department | |||
Margulies, Dan | dmargulies@iattc.org | Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | |||
Martínez, Miguel A | mmartinez@cicese.mx | Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | LA17P | Comparison of metabarcoding and morphological identification of neritic and oceanic fish larvae from the Gulf of Mexico |
Mason, Erica | etmason@ucsd.edu | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD | 6/24/21 15:30 | FF03 | Uncoding comparable morphologies: Using genetics, morphological traits, and machine learning to calibrate classification |
Mavruk, Sinan | smavruk@cu.edu.tr | Cukurova University | 6/24/21 14:15 | LA01 | Spatial, intra and interannual changes of summer larval-fish assemblages and influence of environmental conditions in An |
McAskill, Shannan | smcaskill@islander.tamucc.edu | Texas A&M University Corpus Christi | 6/25/21 12:45 | LA05 | Trophic niche partitioning of three larval Sciaenidae species in the North-western Gulf of Mexico |
McManus, Conor | conormcmanus@gmail.com | RIDEM Division of Marine Fisheries | 6/25/21 18:45 | CC02 | Spatiotemporal patterns in early life stage winter flounder highlight phenology changes and habitat dependencies |
Mikheev, Pavel | pmikheev@yandex.ru | Perm State University | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | CC10P | Analysis of survival of freshwater fish eggs and larvae under technogenic salinization and climate change |
Miller, Jessica | jessica.miller@oregonstate.edu | Oregon State University | 6/24/21 13:00 | ECC workshop "Emerging technologies" panelist | |
Miller, Thomas | miller@umces.edu | University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science | |||
Miskiewicz, Tony | tonymisk@yahoo.com | Australian Museum | |||
Moritz, Timo | timo.moritz@outlook.com | Deutsches Meeresmuseum | |||
Moyano, Marta | marta.moyano@uia.no | University of Agder | |||
Muffelman, Sarah | scmuffelman@vims.edu | VIMS | |||
Murphy, Hannah | hannah.murphy@dfo-mpo.gc.ca | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | |||
Murray, Casey | casey.murray@ufl.edu | University of Florida | 6/26/21 18:30 | AQ06 | Developing larval culture protocols for hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus) to minimize the use of live feeds |
Murray, Christopher | csm187@uw.edu | University of Washington | |||
Nagel, Christoffer | christoffer.nagel@tum.de | TUM, Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology | 6/24/21 12:00 | RP02 | Fish larvae drift in regulated large alpine rivers- a case study from the River Inn |
Nash, Richard | richard.nash@cefas.co.uk | ||||
Nayak, Aditya | anayak@fau.edu | Florida Atlantic University | 6/24/21 13:00 | ECC workshop "Emerging technologies" panelist | |
Nichols, Quentin | nicholsq19@students.ecu.edu | East Carolina University | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | LA12P | Striped Bass egg survey shows similar modes of variability with different sampling schedules |
Nieves, Edgardo | ed@platypus.net | ||||
Nonaka, Ai | nonakaa@si.edu | National Museum of Natural History | |||
Nowak, Michal | mikhael.nowak@gmail.com | Gospodarstwo Rybackie Mazanow Sp. z o.o. | |||
Nyegaard, Marianne | mnyegaard@aucklandmuseum.com | Auckland War Memorial Museum | 6/25/21 19:30 | FF12 | A study of tiny shapeshifters: microCT scanning of a rare collection of Giant Sunfish larvae (Molidae, Mola alexandrini) |
Ofelio, Claudia | claudia.ofelio@uni-hamburg.de | Institute of Marine Ecosystems and Fishery Science, Hamburg University | 6/26/21 12:45 | CC08 | Effects of temperature and prey density on growth, otoliths and thermal tolerance of lab-reared Peruvian anchovy larvae |
Oz, Itay | itay.oz2@mail.huji.ac.il | Agricultural Research Organization | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | AQ10P | A detailed staging system of hatchery reared grey mullet (Mugil chephalus) |
Palma, Peter | ppalma@seafdec.org.ph | Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department | |||
Paris, Claire | cparis@rsmas.miami.edu | Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | |||
Parsons, George | gparsons@sheddaquarium.org | John G. Shedd Aquarium | |||
Peña, Renato | rpenam@ipn.mx | CICIMAR-IPN | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | FF18P | Allometric growth patterns during larval development of spotted rose snapper Lutjanus guttatus in culture conditions |
Pepin, Pierre | pierre.pepin@dfo-mpo.gc.ca | Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre | |||
Perez, Kestrel | kperez3@sjcny.edu | St. Joseph's College | |||
Perrichon, Prescilla | prescilla.perrichon@gmail.com | Institute of Marine Research | 6/25/21 14:45 | AQ11/FF23P | Ontogenetic shift and lateralized swimming behavior in atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) | Eary ontogeny of lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) |
Pierre, Valade | pierre.valade@ocea.re | OCEA Consult | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | RP20P | A novel approach of amphidromous goby fry fisheries management based on larval and juvenile life history traits |
Pimentel, Marta | marta.pims@gmail.com | MARE- University of Lisbon | 6/26/21 12:00 | CC05 | Deleterious effects of the "deadly trio" (warming, acidification, and deoxygenation) on fish early ontogeny |
Pons, Aina | apons@imedea.uib-csic.es | IMEDEA | 6/25/21 12:45 | FF09 | Behavioral types correlate with gut microbiome in early-life stages of wild gilthead seabream |
Powilewicz, Alexis | a.courtet@cineaqua.com | Paris Aquarium | |||
Provo, Stacy | sprovo@contractor.usgs.gov | Univeristy of Toledo | 6/24/21 14:30 | LA02 | Distribution of Larval Coregonines in Southern Lake Erie |
Puklowski, Morgan | Morgan.Puklowski@plantandfood.co.nz | ||||
Pusack, Timothy | tjp3@williams.edu | Williams College | |||
Rasmussen, Jeppe Have | jeppe.h.rasmussen@uia.no | Center for Coastal Research, Department of Natural Sciences, University of Agder | 6/25/21 14:30 | AQ04 | FishSizer: A new software solution for efficiently sizing fish larva |
Ribeiro, Flavio | fribeiro@mote.org | Mote Marine Laboratory | |||
Ridgway, Mark | mark.ridgway@ontario.ca | ||||
Rioual, Fanny | rioual.fanny@gmail.com | Institut de Recherche pour le Développement | 6/25/21 12:30 | FF08 | Captive rearing of Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens): Early development and growth modelling |
Riser, David | david.j.riser@uconn.edu | University of Connecticut Avery Point | |||
Ritz, Thornton | thritz@syr.edu | Northern Michigan University | 6/24/21 15:00 | FF01 | Understanding larval development of burbot (Lota lota) and its role in their persistence throughout North America |
Robert, Dominique | dominique_robert@uqar.ca | Université du Québec à Rimouski | |||
Robson, Olivia | orobson@islander.tamucc.edu | Texas A&M Corpus Christi | |||
Rodríguez-Varela, Asela del Carmen | asela@unam.mx | UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | CC09P | Analysis of larval and juvenile fish records in estuarine systems of the state of Veracruz, Mexico |
Rodriguez, Julieta | julibiologia703@gmail.com | ||||
Rosales, Kelly | Krosales@thirtyfiveaquaculture.com | Thirty Five Aquaculture | |||
Roseman, Edward | eroseman@usgs.gov | USGS-Great Lakes Science Center | |||
Rupnik, Brent | uwecosystems@yahoo.com | Live Advantage Bait | |||
Schmidt, Neele | neele.schmidt@ebc.uu.se | Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University | |||
Schneider, Ralf | rschneider@geomar.de | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research (Geomar) | 6/26/21 13:30 | FF14 | Comparative analysis of the embryogenesis of three syngnathids provides insights into the development of these fishes |
Schnell-Aurahs, Nalani | nalani.schnell@mnhn.fr | Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle | |||
Schultz, Eric | eric.schultz@uconn.edu | University of Connecticut | |||
Siegfried, Emma | Emma.Siegfried@student.csulb.edu | California State University - Long Beach | |||
Simmons, April | aprilsimmons1993@gmail.com | Nicholls State University | 6/25/21 13:00 | LA06 | Comparison of larval and juvenile fish assemblage between newly created marsh terrace habitat and existing marsh habitat |
Sorce, Meaghan | meaghansorce@fas.harvard.edu | Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology | |||
Sørhus, Elin | elins@hi.no | Institute of Marine Research | |||
Sponaugle, Su | su.sponaugle@oregonstate.edu | Oregon State University | 6/24/21 11:15 | Keynote 1 | Field of dreams: maximizing the value of ichthyoplankton datasets |
Sswat, Michael | msswat@geomar.de | GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel | 6/26/21 11:45 | CC04 | Effect of upwelling intensity and light regime on larval fish growth: a mesocosm study in the Humboldt Current System |
St. Leger, Judy | judy.st.leger@gmail.com | Cornell University | 6/26/21 11:15 | Keynote 3 | Meeting Aquaculture needs with Research and Productio |
Stafford, David | david.stafford@noaa.gov | University of California Santa Cruz / NOAA Fisheries SWFSC | |||
Swalethorp, Rasmus | rswalethorp@ucsd.edu | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego | 6/24/21 18:30 | RP07 | Trophic shifts in larval diet explains booms and busts of Northern Anchovy |
Swieca, Kelsey | swiecak@oregonstate.edu | Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University | 6/24/21 18:15 | RP06 | Oceanographic and trophodynamic underpinnings of anchovy success in the northern California Current |
Szykman, Benjamin | Benjamin.Szykman@spectrumbrands.com | Spectrum Brands | |||
Takasuka, Akinori | atakasuka@mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp | The University of Tokyo | |||
Tanaka, Shota | shotana0326@gmail.com | Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences The University of Tokyo | |||
Teletchea, Fabrice | fabrice.teletchea@univ-lorraine.fr | Université de Lorraine | 6/25/21 14:15 | AQ03 | Comparative biology of early life stages of over 300 temperate freshwater fishes based on an updated STOREFISH database |
Thieme, Philipp | phil.thieme2016@gmail.com | German Oceanographic Museum | 6/26/21 13:45 | FF15/FF22P | Caudal-fin skeleton of atherinomorphs: development reveals convergences |
Tomczak, Madeline | mtomczak@contractor.usgs.gov | United States Geological Survey | 6/26/21 14:00 | RP19/RP22P | Retention and Collection Efficiency of Egg Mats |
Trnski, Thomas | ttrnski@aucklandmuseum.com | Auckland War Memorial Museum | |||
Upton, Margarita | mupton@calacademy.org | California Academy of Science | |||
Vacco, Vincent | vince.vacco21@gmail.com | Mystic Aquarium | |||
Vance, William | wvance110@gmail.com | ||||
VanDrunen, Faith | fvandrun@nmu.edu | Northern Michigan University | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | RP23P | St. Marys River larval Fish Response to Water Discharge in the Main Rapids |
Varga, Christy | varga.christy@gmail.com | Monterey Bay Aquarium | |||
Vega, Gabriela | gabriela@dwazoo.com | The Dallas World Aquarium | |||
Venturelli, Paul | paventurelli@bsu.edu | Ball State University | |||
Veroes, Carlos | cveroes@udec.cl | Universidad de Concepción | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | RP19P | Ingress or exportation of early life stages of Patagonian grenadier from fjords and channels of the Chilean Patagonia? |
Waltz-Hill, Allison | awaltz-hill@neaq.org | New England Aquarium | |||
Warren, Les | warre112@purdue.edu | Purdue University | |||
Watai, Mikio | mwatai@affrc.go.jp | Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency Fisheries Stock Assessment Center, Fisheries Resources | |||
Watson, William | william.watson@noaa.gov | NOAA - SWFSC | |||
Webb, Jacqueline | jacqueline_webb@uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | |||
Welker, Dana | Dwelker@georgiaaquarium.org | Georgia Aquarium | |||
Welsh, Christina | cjwelsh@usf.edu | University of South Florida | |||
Whitney, Jonathan | Jonathan.Whitney@noaa.gov | NOAA - Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center | 6/25/21 13:15 | LA07 | |
Wilson, Megan | wilsomeg@oregonstate.edu | Oregon State University | 6/24/21 18:45 | RP08 | Tortoise and Hare: distinct early growth strategies in a groundfish persist in a seasonally variable environment |
Winnacott, Blair | bmw430@humboldt.edu | Department of Fisheries Biology, Humboldt State University | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | LA13P | Persistent structure and sharp transitions in larval fish assemblages off northern California |
Witherly, Jessica | jwitherly@calacademy.org | California Academy of Science | |||
Wong, Jacky | thwongab@gmail.com | Ocean Park Hong Kong | |||
Yang, Touhue | touhue.yang@rockets.utoledo.edu | University of Toledo | |||
Yeemin, Thamasak | thamasakyeemin@hotmail.com | Ramkhamhaeng University | 6/24/21 19:30 - 22:00 | RP21P | Distribution and abundance of larval fish from underwater pinnacles in the Eastern Gulf of Thailand |
Zak, Rachel | rzak@sheddaquarium.org | John G. Shedd Aquarium | |||
Zavell, Max | max.zavell@uconn.edu | University of Connecticut, Department of Marine Sciences | |||
Zorica, Barbara | zorica@izor.hr | Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia | 6/25/21 15:00 - 16:00 | FF20P | DNA barcoding reveal larval fish assemblages in the eastern Adriatic Sea (eastern Mediterranean) |